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Keeping Migrants Out Of Italy Might Not Be Enough
by P. Paracchini

For weeks Italian newspapers have been talking (for and against) the Conte Administration’s position on the issue of Migrants. But too much may not be enough! In the sense that even were Italy to consolidate an alliance on the issue of "migrants" - a eupheemism for "illegal aliens" - with Austria, Hungary, Poland, The Czech & Slovak Republics, it is Germany that calls the shots in the UE and, regardless, for the average Italian the most important issues lie elsewhere.

The real issues confronting Italy are an economy that has begun to shrink even before what little growth there was in 2017 could be consolidated in 2018, let alone make a dent in Italy's growing poor and unemployed, many of whom voted M5S and Lega!

The Country’s problems are reflected in its Constitution of 139 articles that attempt to minutely govern the political, social, institutional and economic life of the Country without giving any of the three branches of government (but in Italy only two are officially recognized by the “system”) sufficient power to check and/or balance the others, most importantly, the Judiciary.

Because of the Fascist Legacy, the Executive Branch (other than for Switzerland, is the only Executive in the West organized as a collegiate and collective organ) was not entrusted with any more power than the bare minimum needed to define and manage the State machinery and bureaucracy subject to the general directives of the President of the Council. The only real power was vested exclusively in the Parliament, which was to elect a Head of State to run for seven years. This Head of State, but not of Government, was vested with express but poorly delimita powers to choose and entrust an MP from one of the Major Parties represented in the Parliament with the task of forming a “Government”. Unfortunately, the Parliament was made weak by electoral laws based on proportional representation set so low that even large, extended families were able to candidate and get one or more of their members elected to one House or the other. Such procedures wound up creating a “Tower of Babel” effect that made government stability a pipe dream. To make matters worse someone got the bright idea that an independent Judiciary was just what was needed to balance (sic!) the institutional mess conjured up by the Founding Fathers that included representatives of the two major parties of the post-war years (the Catholic, Christian Democrats and the Communists).

In another departure from Western tradition, the Founding Fathers kept the Judiciary outside of the “Government”. The term “governo” as used and understood in Italy is almost exclusively used in connection with the Executive Branch, whereas the other official branch of government is the legislative or Parliament.

The Magistrature, Judiciary or Corps of Judges is an independent organ of the State bureaucracy, formally not considered a part of the “Government”. This makes the Italian Constitutional system the only one of its kind in the West to have two weak and poorly coordinated branches of government, often at the mercy of a highly politicized, unelected Judiciary wielding great power and ready to fill power vacuums from the safety of their Ivory Tower, uncontrolled, independent and unaccountable.

Come on guys, time's-a-wasting! You can do better that that because if you can’t well then  step aside and “avanti il prossimo”, or better yet, why not issue a public tender for a real fat Government Contract: that of “Country Manager” with unlimited powers to higher and fire Cabinet Ministers and achieve government objectives, a sort of “roman-like Imperator / Dictator” under a Public Law Contract with the State. For sure, nobody from the left or the right would lobby for an unlimited term employment contract in such an instance. A term employment contract, perhaps renewable, at substantially the same terms and conditions, upon the attainment of pre-determined and agreed objectives would probably be seen as more than sufficient by union leaders and politicians alike.