16th April 2023
by Matteo F.M. Sommaruga
I will take a train to Berlin once again. This time on the route to reach Dresden and without the alleged sponsorship of the Kaiser. Some other detractors of my legend, assumed that my travel was sponsored by Americans instead. Although socialism gained few fellows in the USA, the only extended support I actually received was that of the Germans. Few years, or decades later, after my death, someone thought to insinuate the idea that I received gold from New York City. A gossip aimed to discredit both my political works, both to blame the Jewish communities. Fro some reason, antisemitism always wanted the red flag mixed with the plots inside the synagogues. Once again, nobody read Marx carefully enough to spot his several lines expressed against the Israelites. Marx is the direct descendent of Luther under that, and many other, perspectives. I do not remember my positions on the subject, those from the past. Perhaps right now I would spontaneously give my hand to the realization of the Zionist state, that is actually based on socialist principles. Although the most moderate ones, guided by common sense and the desire , the most earnest one, to mitigate the effect of fortune on the life and rights of individuals. My friend Stalin was a staunch antisemite. I am quite sure about that and I think there should be enough proof to establish how the Soviet Union, at least indirectly, contributed to the persecutions until the 1950s. The police were however clever enough to keep the focus on the crimes of the Third Reich, managing to escape the blame of the free world. Even better, my comrades are now exploiting the past to make the public feel guilty. The people can under such circumstances even more easily accept the constant brainwash conducted by the leftist propaganda.
The art dealer
Next stop in my European peregrination is Dresden. I am looking for works from the primary market to be sold at outrageously high prices. Since my failure with the private collector, I have been advised to try with renown artists directly from their ateliers and publishers. In this case I could have relied on more standard prices and few unexpected points in the handling. Unfortunately I cannot clearly state that I operate for an art gallery or even worse the online aggregator of a puzzle of dealers and undefined galleries. The easiest word to define me and people like me is the “flipper”, someone who buys in April and sells the same work in May at double of the original price. It cannot last too long since artists and serious galleries do not like flippers. They believe they devalue the market. I cannot really understand their logic since a single piece of art is not different from a gold coin, a gold bar or a liter of orange juice. It can be made with the purpose to keep it safe, enjoy and drink it, in the case of the orange juice, or be traded on the market at a higher price than the previous purchase. For some reason artists believe to be more responsible than those who live on their own income. Similarity the owners of art galleries believe to be above the most simple rule of the market, that so far has never been regulated. I have got enough of such a lot of hypocrisy, but, since I have got to secure the deal, I need to act quite cautiously. I thought to follow the schemes of professional hustlers, who never target the same victim and try to move quite quickly as soon as they have scored a good deal. For this reason, I have created a map of European cities where I could hit and leave without being noticed. Dresden is on the top of my list. It is a perfect location due to its recent socialist past. A good part of the local population cannot even suspect what is the usual practice in London.
The consultant
I have done the check in once again. My company sent me out of the project because of a discussion with a tester and a software developer. They are just kids, although they believe they are experts in their fields. I was actually angry to have got to do anything with someone below the management. Their behavior further disturbed my feelings. I am used to managers mistreating junior or not management colleagues. Only this time I should have verified at first whether the testers were externals or belonging to nearshoring organizations. They turned out to be internals instead and escalated to their boss. On top of that, the latter was trying to get rid of my company and promote his former consultancy. My enterprise has kept the contract, but I am now assigned to a middle size insurance located in Eastern Germany for budget reasons. I hope I shall not have to interact with the call center and its operational managers. I never liked those in the operations. They usually come from a non-academic background and do not understand that, despite holding the title of manager and the responsibility of tens if not hundreds of people. They are far below in the hierarchy than those in the strategy. At least I could enjoy life in a city that is far less expensive than Zurich and I could still stay overnight beyond the six months deadline I had at the Bar at Lac. The hotels here are quite decent, the one I have found is wonderfully centrally located and the swimming pool much better than the tiny ones in Zurich. The only decent swimming pool in Zurich is the one of the Dolder, but a middle-management consultant can hardly afford to go there on a regular basis. The town does not either look to have been the prey of anarchists from all around the world. At least in the area for tourists and high end consultants.