March 24th 2024
by Matteo F.M. Sommaruga
“I would pay a fortune to have been present at that assembly, when my death was announced, to look at the single expressions of the participants. Someone has tried to hide his happiness for sure. Others should have tried to spot the most discreet smile, to get ridden of an enemy. Few would have reacted to the news with the proper sadness expected by a loyal member of the party. Perhaps there was still, at the time, someone who truly believed in the Revolution. I was too busy to take care of such details, as long as the power was in my hands. My acolytes had to pay attention to their backs and did not care to trade with traitors. That book guaranteed my survival, but I could have never imagined to be revived one hundred years later. I suppose because you, my dear friend”, said Lenin directing his eyes toward the former business consultant, “you took care of reading the whole book at least one time from the beginning to the end”. “That is the truth”, replied the young woman, “It was because of the Covid blockade I found myself in Zurich, without knowing anybody who could confort me. About my colleagues, I could trust them as much as your comrades. None of them was sincere and they only cared to exploit each other's weakness or repeat a lie as many times as to make it a lie”. The two men at the table made a loud laugh, as if directed by a conductor, well coordinated and in total harmony. “That was Goebbels”, commented the Art Dealer. “It is not so relevant”, added Lenin in a quiet tone. “Have you not already understood that we are just bands of gangsters? Whether we depict ourselves as leftist, fascists or introduce ourselves with the elegant business card of a main American or European consultancy”. It was the woman who laughed now, as an instrument replying to the orchestra in a concerto. “You are better than that”, said the lady loudly, surprising herself for the clearly convincing statement and at the same time frustrated for having relied on such a cheap catchphrase. “Perhaps, but I need to find a better purpose in my life”, thought the Father of the Revolution, loud enough to get heard by his two new fellows. “You don’t need to search for too long”, said the Art Dealer “There are already the two of us ready to follow you. For what concerns me, I am currently out of the job and, given my poor qualifications, I doubt I will be able to obtain a good position too. Only my entrepreneurship supports me, perhaps also some determination”. “Those are the three qualities of a successful revolutionary”, added Lenin, who began to genuinely enjoy the company. “I do not need to work anymore, thanks to the Heidi’s book, that I still hold with me, but does not belong to me anymore*, confirmed the former consultant, surprising herself to have so quickly agreed with the Briton. “It is like watching for the first time at a work, created by Andy Warhol. Just imagine having lived in the 1960s. Let’s assume the year is 1965 and you are an engineer called to the Leo Castelli’s gallery to fix the heating. You watch around you and observe on a wall one of his flowers, I mean one of Warhol’s. One is painted in a monochrome blue, the other red. In the background a black and green photograph representing some grass. Let’s also make the hypothesis that you are an immigrant from a small, cosy town in Southern Italy and you have grown up accustomed to the chiaroscuro of a local Renaissance Master. Perhaps your wife or even yourself keep with you a small reproduction of Raphael’s Madonna. You keep it for protection, you observe it because of your hocus-pocus hail Marys”, the loyal son of the Royalist Ulster and the Red Hand was now passionately speaking. “After a few years, still shocked by Warhol's flowers, so distant from the aesthetics imprinted in your mind together with your religious beliefs, you come back to the place. It is 1980, you are older and perhaps better acquainted to the traits of pop art. Hanging on the wall there are two black and white portraits of a man wearing a hat. One of the two artworks represents his face from multiple angles, not aligned. The other portrait is sharper. Well, that is our impression. We need to get accustomed to your face. You are like a masterpiece of pop art. When you began your career, you were outrageous, revolutionary, perhaps even criminal. Now you have become an item for a museum, admired by the petit bourgeoisie that feels ashamed of her ignorance. We need to rejuvenate your image and we would like to be your curators”, concluded the art dealer, opening his eyes and gesticulating like an Italian immigrant. Lenin did not get offended and stood up to shake his hand. “You are admirable my friend. And you as well, my gentle Lady”. The former managing consultant blushed. The old communist was aware he had not lost his manipulating charme. “You know much more about the modern world than I do. You are also well opinionated. What is thus the plan? Or the goal of our action? Even to mention the next step would be enough. It is important to move, sooner or later we shall enter the czar’s room”, ask Lenin to encourage his two accomplices. “There is not a czar anymore. You or your comrades massacred his whole family”, said the Briton, his cheeks becoming suddenly red. Such was his loyalty to the Crown. “But there is Putin now, reigning on Russia”, exclaimed the young woman.