Corsican Rock III
by Zulfikar Ahmetovic
That cigarette smoke. Say the whole room stinking.
That cigarette smoke. Say the whole room stinking.
No time Lost in memories like in a dream Bad memories Good memories Flashes my green card nbsp expired Expelled nbsp No way to fix this Back to Bosnia nbsp No way A warrant on...READ ALL
Uncle Leon introducing me to QSI Int nal School in Sarajevo Told me make yourself quite a bit scared not too much Be yourself the new Zulfikar Ahmetovic we ve been building up for you...READ ALL
Back then Back then My smell awful stink of mine nbsp Three weeks without washing same clothes on Half human half beast The Centaur From unruly Visegrad rsquo s outskirts a prisoner now Dragged into...READ ALL
Getting nbsp propped up for action ahead My own bloody work to nbsp be done The one I hoped I was relieved nbsp from long ago The one I m best suited at despite all...READ ALL
An unavoidable need to understand nbsp nbsp Flaming up nbsp Gearing up No way to suppress it Unavoidable unthinkable unrecoverable nbsp NEED TO UNDERSTAND It rsquo s my addiction It rsquo s my wife and...READ ALL
Back to the old house Back with the big menacing dogs back with the sheep Some water some food some rest Me splashed into a worn huge armchair Some nap Then Jeannot talking to me...READ ALL