by Matteo F.M. Sommaruga
Recovering a morale stormed by uncontrollable and adverse events is the hardest task members of humankind could accomplish. Injuries of a life spent under the influence of a witless potentate are the most nefandous effects of tyranny, since they endure long after the aforementioned ruler has been put aside whether by an insurrection, a catastrophic outcome of a conflict or the personal ambition of a no less vacuous leader. Although focused on the objective, as the HR would have recommended to write on the résumé, the engineer found himself affected by the Italian way to olocracy as soon he found himself exposed to the most genuine globalized thought of his recently acquired colleagues.
Frantic to improve his unsustainable situation, caught by a daily rhythm that few would have maintained for more than few weeks, unless desperate, the engineer had resolved to face the risk of an exhaustion instead of surrender. A better and more efficient strategy would have been perhaps attainable, if not advisable, but a brilliant brain is often reached by an unmanageable blood flow. Alas he moved on without realizing his most frequent, if not persistent, mistakes, like a daring white partisan pursuing a routed unit of Trotsky's bolsheviks.
On the contrary he could feel to have shared the destiny of many successful cavalry brigades who never spared their mounts to enact a magnificent piece of soldiery to be accounted for by amateur historians. Like Lenin in 1917, he didn't need to linger on philosophical considerations, but on action instead. How could he manage to keep his focus on the Indian job and still pretend to efficiently work on the Italian one? A decrease of productivity would have been perhaps appreciated by most of his colleagues, or comrades.
The biologist spent at least half of her time by consulting old Soviet University books on the web, chatting with her friends, keeping in touch with the family. So did many others, with the exception that didn't pay attention to Stalinist scientists biographies and achievements. They just contributed to the building of the Socialist Nation by making redundant the boisterous claims of the Party leaders. Sometimes they shared links and copies of magazines whose first reading gave the cumbersome idea of an artificial scaffolding of the Eastern block economy. Had their mind be more flexible, or had they minimally taken consideration of the principles of etymology, they could have appreciated the daily contributions of Fidel Castro on Granma.
He started optimizing his own time on the pc, scrupulously following the never attended rule, if not by Labour Unions representatives, of a short break every hour. He also had to plan how to exploit that short-break spent avoiding the light of the screen and discovered that if dedicated to micro-manage the forthcoming small tasks he was assigned to, or evaluating the consequences of his own interventions, he could significantly improve his performances. Nevertheless he didn't have to forget that the great game had to take place overnight.