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Accetto Chudi

Information Apocalypse

by The Tennessee Walker

America is cognitively fractured. It is in a moment of metaphysical chaos from which a new pro-human future can emerge. Or the anti-human forces that sow unholy sedition into the minds of men can bring about the end of the American experiment. 
There are two frequencies that resonate through this world at its most fundamental level. There is a pro-human frequency represented by Life: human reproduction, positive emotional feedback loops among loving relationships, and creative expression through the intelligent creation of human systems, technological or otherwise.
There is also a frequency that is calling for control of the human being and ultimately its destruction. This anti-human frequency operates as a psychological operation. It does not build but uses lies and manipulation to shift and transform human systems.
The anti-human frequency’s most recent institutional champions in western governments adopted its control mechanisms in the wake of nuclear weapons. In America, this was formalized in the National Security Act of 1947. Transnational threats like nuclear, manufactured or otherwise, are the greatest tool of the anti-human frequency. 

Some of its attributes:

  • Its acolytes fear a of lack of control.

  • Its acolytes fear competition.

  • Its acolytes fear dying. 

  • Its acolytes are obsessed with overpopulation.

  • Its acolytes prefer to manage problems with Hegelian strategic tension, rather than solve problems.

  • Its acolytes replace the cybernetic power of human love with artificial intelligence.


The anti-human frequency has a very natural wave to ride in on. With the end of divine right of kings, how do men agree to govern themselves? Democratic republics like America are an answer, but as human systems and networks become incomprehensibly complex, can democratic governance work? Can a democratic government really control nuclear proliferation for instance? There is necessarily the development of a permanent corporate state that gradually eclipses elections.

Can this permanent state resonate with the pro-human frequency? The internal logic of the anti-human frequency is persuasive and rational. But it will mean the end of humanity.
To resonate with the pro-human frequency requires courage and humility. It means that you do not know what will happen, you do not know if you will survive, but you know that your Soul is Alive. 
The way forward in an information apocalypse is to resonate with that pro-human frequency and in doing so, keep your Soul.

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The Tennessee Walker

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